the work conversation

Mothers: what is the solution? With working outside the home I mean, and the attempts to balance. I have never met a mother with whom I haven't had this conversation - the one about work. All of the below conversations took place over a two week period, just a typical fortnight of interactions: "So you work outside the ...

Office Mum stories: Nicola Finnerty

Nicola Finnerty & boys Oct 13

“ Late night in front of the TV with a glass of wine is often where I get my best work done...and don't ask about cleaning, laundry or grocery shopping... that just happens on an as needed basis!” This week in the Office Mum interview series, I meet Nicola Finnerty, who is a Qualitative Researcher for ...

Silver linings

Emmie deeply engrossed in "homework"

It's two months now since our nanny upped and left after just four days, with no notice and almost no notification of any kind. We were not impressed (the tears are almost visible here). She will be on the family blacklist FOREVER. I spent the following weeks worrying about work and childcare; trying to come up with ...