3 things that are pretty great about freelancing at home
This would-be list, written only in my head, was inspired by being home three times this week when the postman brought parcels, and raiding the advent calendar for mid-morning chocolate. Handy.
8 things that are a bit crap about freelancing at home
Like realising that there was always a lot more chocolate in my office than there is in my advent calendar. And that my work Christmas party this year will be a quiet affair. In my kitchen. Probably during the day. Without wine. Well, we’ll see about the last one.
6 things I didn’t think I’d have to say to the kids
Like “Yes I did say toilet roll goes in the toilet but no, I did not mean for you to put the entire toilet roll in” and “Take the balloon sword out of the toilet” and “No you’re not adopted, I’m your real mum.”
18 times multi-tasking was completely pointless
Like listening to tables from one child, reading from a second and shouting from a third, while misspelling an email, burning dinner, taking deep breaths and clutching at straws.
1 time multi-tasking was actually quite nice
Listening to Christmas FM and writing Christmas cards in the car while one child was at her gym class and the other two read books, fighting only sporadically and reasonably quietly.
4 times my kids made me cry inside
Me: Why are you elbowing me in the stomach?
Four-year-old: Because it’s just so squishy!
Me: Isn’t it nice we both have blue eyes?
Four-year-old, examining me carefully: Well, your eyes are kind of full of tiny red lines…
Me: Of course, I’m very young.
Eight-year-old: Ha ha ha ha ha!
7 domestic moments that brought me to my knees
This week’s lows included hoovering an entire bowl of spilled stuffing out of the oven (isn’t it amazing what you can hoover) and a massive failed attempt to bake biscuits for teachers – due to using the wrong type of butter, the whole house smelled of cheese. The kids were retching. This is never a positive sign when you’re baking.
5 times Christmas concerts, plays, shows and fairs clashed with work
Just, every day. But it’s OK, this list could also have been called “5 times seeing my kids on stage made me bawl.”
(I didn’t write any of the above-mentioned listicles in the end – with all the Christmas shows, there just wasn’t time)
Now, this is a very clever way of getting those thoughts and ‘lists’ out of ones head and actually into an actual blog post!! Love it. Even the cheesey cookies! And of course you can have wine at your solo Christmas party when you’re a freelancer. Or a stay-at-home-parent 😉
Jazzygal recently posted…Present Yet Absent…….
Yay for the wine at home for both of us Valerie!
Happy Christmas 🙂
Oh this is brilliant! I was too afraid to touch the advent calendars and spent three bad days without chocolate (I may have eventually nibbled st the cooking chocolate). I’ll join you on the solo office party, especially if there is wine 😉 the multitasking cost me my Christmas cakes this week 🙁 abd I may have snorted out a laugh at the adoption comment (but only because I have had similar).
Naomi Lavelle recently posted…The erupting snowman – a Christmas science experiment
Ah yes, our advent calendar had a retrospective refill last week, so my thievery has gone unnoticed!
Right, just let me know when our WAHM Christmas party is, and we’ll do a virtual clink 🙂
Great capture of the week. Lots going on! I brought the baby to the Xmas party. First ever sober one and home by 8pm.
Nicola Cassidy recently posted…Top ten gift guide for the writer in your life
Well that’s a very different kind of Christmas party 🙂 You probably felt amazing the following morning – hold on to that!