Lifestyle Lost and Found

It was five o'clock Thursday, rush hour in Dublin city centre. One of those beautiful sunny Autumn evenings we get in early October every year - the Indian summer my kids didn't believe existed. I was among throngs of post-work walkers - marchers really, marching towards buses and trains and shops and pubs. Women in trainers, ...

Office Mum stories – Sinéad Fox

Sinead Fox Profile Pic

“One of the key drivers for my moving job was that my previous role had very little flexibility and only allowed working from home in very special circumstances and on a temporary basis.” This week’s interview is with solicitor, blogger, and mother of three Sinéad Fox. She talks guilt and glass ceilings, presenteeism and batch cooking, and ...

Net the Leveller

Office Mum post: photo of Justin Bieber

Once upon a time, there were people who became artists and writers and  entrepreneurs, and then there was everyone else who watched from the sidelines. People who worked in banks and hospitals and estate agents and supermarkets. People who made career decisions at sixteen or seventeen; who put aside creative aspirations or entrepreneurial tendencies in ...

A year of engagement


This is my 100th blog-post. And tomorrow is New Year's Eve. So I'm thinking that it might be OK for me to say something about that - about my first year of blogging. For me, 2013 has been a year of engagement. Not the diamond-ring type - that was a decade ago (though I wouldn't say no to ...

Office Mum stories: Caitríona Redmond

Caitriona Redmond

This is the first in a series of interviews with mothers; chatting about home and work and family, and that elusive balance that we all seek. Topics range from childcare to career changes, working from home to stay-at-home mothers, setting up businesses, fitting in homework, the ever-present guilt, and mostly, not doing a lot of ironing. The ...

Online disasters & virtual friends

image credit

On Monday I attempted to convert my blog to a new website. This involved googling to get code to copy somewhere deep inside the hidden vaults of the new website. Not an easy task but what's the worst that could happen? If it didn't work, I'd use that nice back arrow at the top of my ...

Is there anyone out there?

Office Mum: stork and baby

It's after midnight, and like any mum whose baby wakes somewhere between 1am and 5am, I'm tucked up in bed, fast asleep, getting some precious zzz's in before it all kicks off. Except of course I'm not - I'm sitting up watching tv, finishing a glass of wine, and tapping out words on the internet. And I ...