A messy house and happy kids – is there a lesson for us all this Father’s Day?


As I sat in my local Starbucks recently, I noticed how many dad and baby pairings surrounded me, and wondered if perhaps the roles of mothers and fathers are drawing ever closer. Then I thought a bit more, about how different my husband and I are at home and changed my mind. I thought about ...

13 fathers you really, really don’t want for your kids

image: commons.wikimedia.org

Sometimes he doesn’t pick up the kids’ clothes, and sometimes the same toys sit on the stairs for days, waiting patiently to be transported up or down. He might not spot the mess in the kitchen or the Lego on the floor. But the next time you have an inward eyeroll about your kids’ dad, ...

a chip off the (not so old) block

Today we went to a birthday party - all five of us. My eldest has been giving out about this upcoming birthday party for the last two weeks, saying she wouldn't know anyone, she'd be older than all the other kids (the birthday girl is a friend of my four year old), she'd have nothing to ...