Office Mum stories – Leisha McGrath

Leisha McGrath - office mum

“In my view the world is seriously missing out because employers are failing to be more creative in the types of working arrangements they offer to women.” Leisha McGrath is an Occupational Psychologist and mum of two. Here she talks about how redundancy prompted her to start working for herself, why she still likes a mix ...

Office Mum Stories – Aisling Lyons

Office Mum interview: Aisling Lyons

“There were mothers I met along the way that quite candidly said on a Monday morning 'Thank God the weekend is over, I can't wait to get back to work' and there were others who lived for the weekends ­ neither is right or wrong” This week I meet Aisling Lyons, a mother of three, living ...

Office Mum Stories – Dearbhalla Baviera

Office Mum interview: Dearbhalla Baviera

“Two of the main things that keep people in a situation where they are less than happy are lack of confidence and that fear of change that holds many people back” This week I talk to Dearbhalla Baviera, a mum of four, who has transitioned from a full-time role as a management consultant to setting up ...

Office Mum stories – Helen Plass

Office Mum: Helen Plass

"Oh my God aren’t we desperate! Women are so hard on themselves and way too hard and judgmental of other women too" This week’s interview is with Helen Plass, owner of a website for mothers-to-be and new mothers. She’s a yoga teacher, runs active birth workshops, hosts webinars, and is a mum of two little ...

Is Ireland child-friendly?


Are we a child-friendly society - do we embrace children and their parents in all areas of 21st century Ireland? Or do we corral them into suitable times and places, conveniently out of the path of mainstream everyday life? Fiona Carey thinks we have a way to go. When the Bray-based mum of one was unable to ...

Office Mum stories – Sara Delmer

Office Mum: Sara Delmer

"...while being at home with your kids is isn't easy, you don't get a break, you can barely get a chance to pee in peace! It is very rewarding in other ways but it is in no way glamorous" This week I meet Sara Delmer who is a twenty-eight year old mother of two. She's ...

Does maternity leave give women a taster for becoming stay-at-home mothers?

Office Mum photo: white wine

Why is it that more women than men stay at home with children? In 98% of families with one parent at home, it's a woman who takes that role. Assuming there isn't a secret world where stay-at-home mothers get to loll about all day in spas sipping Pinot Grigio, there must be something behind it. Here are some theories (discussed here many times ...

Office Mum stories – Melissa Hill

office mum interview: photo of Melissa Hill

“Women have been conditioned to feel that it’s up to them to keep all balls in the air which in reality is just not feasible (not to mention unfair)” This week’s interview is with bestselling author Melissa Hill, who lives in South Dublin with her husband and four-year-old daughter. After an early career in banking, she ...

Office Mum stories – Helen O’Keeffe

Office Mum photo: Helen O

“I’m a big believer in reinvention and now that my baby-making years are over and the child-rearing stage picks up a pace maybe I’ll completely turn things on their head.  Or just win the Lotto and sit around knitting, eating cheese and slugging champagne for evermore” This week’s interview is with the lovely Helen O'Keeffe, a ...

Mumager workshop – back to work

Office Mum post: Mumager logo

A room full of working mothers, hundreds of enthusiastic conversations, two inspirational coaches, sun streaming through the windows, and all the croissants we could eat - the Mumager workshop was starting out well. There's something very uplifting about spending a day with like-minded people - with women who have similar aspirations and similar concerns. The realisation ...