The mammy-war myth

Mommy-wars. Or since we're in Ireland, let's say Mammy-wars. I can't stand the term, but it's the widely-used name for the phenomenon of mothers judging mothers on every element of parenting, originally coined to refer to mothers working outside the home versus stay-at-home mothers. Newspapers love the SAHM/ mothers working outside the home debate, as do radio shows, ...

Seven very good reasons to work from home

pancakes  - office mum

Working from home: no to mascara and high heels, yes to school runs and meals with kids, and best of all reduced guilt.... Lots of people work in jobs that are not suitable for working from home, and plenty of other people are not allowed to by employers. But if you have children, and have ever considered seeking to work from home ...

Seven tips for going back to work after maternity leave

office mum: maternity leave tips

No matter how much you enjoy your job, and certainly if you don't, returning to work after maternity leave is often daunting. Even if you feel "ready to go back" it's hard leaving the little person with creche or childminder. It's difficult the first time, and it's no less difficult after subsequent babies - not ...