The Kids Are Alright


Are our families being damaged by the non-stop commuting lives we lead? Or are children with two employed parents doing OK after all? The media gives us conflicting answers to this - often on a daily basis. Most recently, there's are reports of a study that showing that children in families where two parents work are ...

Office Mum stories – Alison O’Connor


“Sometimes I think that the only way this would be properly addressed by society is if women announced they were not going to be involved in any further reproduction until the system was change to make life easier afterwards” This week’s interview is with Alison O'Connor, who is a columnist with The Irish Examiner. Her work ...

Office Mum stories – Rachael Schedewy

Rachael Schedewy Office Mum

“I sometimes look longingly at the mothers I can see from my office window, taking their kids for a walk to the park… sometimes I even tear up at my desk thinking about what I am missing out”  This week’s interview comes from the other side of the world - Rachael Schedewy is a 28 year ...

The 7 Lessons This Working Mother is Trying to Teach

Her Family Lessons Office Mum Andrea Mara

I'm guilty of feeling guilty. Too much. Worrying about the time I spend away from the kids. Worrying that because both of us work, they're missing out. Worrying that I'll regret it all some day. I know that I have to work for the income, but I also know that I like working. Which of course just adds to the guilt. While ...

Office Mum stories – Nicola Sheehan

Nicola Sheehan Office Mum

“I knew that our wages would not cover a second child in crèche so I saved enough money to pay the second child’s crèche fees, for the 9 months until my older daughter starts the free preschool year this September. I’m hoping by then the burden might ease off a bit. It’s not easy, but I ...

Office Mum stories – Lucy Kennedy

Lucy Kennedy interview Office Mum

“I usually collapse in my pyjamas by 8.30pm… I flake out on front of the TV, watching soaps…taking off my make-up and putting Sudocrem on my spots.” This week’s interview is with Lucy Kennedy; TV presenter on The 7 o’ Clock Show and mother of two. She talks about childcare, trying to do everything, working mother ...

The need to be needed

Office Mum: telephone

A good friend told me last week that she's changing jobs - moving from a chilled-out project role back into the mayhem of daily operations. This is the reverse of what she wanted when going back to work after her second baby was born three years ago - in fact for many working mothers, chilled-out project roles ...

Office Mum stories – Jennifer Riddall

Office Mum: Jennifer Riddall

“I’ll be in the middle of writing a feature, trying to meet a deadline, but thinking, “I should really put a wash on, or do the dishes” Freelance journalist Jennifer Riddall moved to Ireland last year from the North West of England and is currently in the process of returning to work after maternity leave. When ...