Motherhood, Friendship, the Internet and Me – a Guest Post from Kate Gunn

Kate Gunn - guest post on Office Mum

I'm delighted to introduce a first ever guest post on Office Mum this week; Kate Gunn is a mother, blogger and freelancer. She spent her 20's travelling, her 30's getting married and having babies, and is now hitting her 40's newly single and back living in her old home town in Co. Wicklow. You can find her ...

The Moods of Motherhood – Ebb and Flow

Newborn - Office Mum

The earliest mood of motherhood comes before there is motherhood at all - prompted by that first moment staring at blue lines on a stick. It may be joy, or relief, or surprise, or shock, or fear - very few moments can be so life-changing and provoke such opposing emotions. For me, it was an inexplicable sense ...

Ten things I’ve learned about parenting

Office mum photo of kids dancing

As part of lovely Learner Mama's linky, I've put together ten random things I've learned about parenting. They apply to me; they may not apply to everyone. But I wish my pre-mother self had known some of them. Or maybe that would take the fun out of it... 1. Nothing you can buy or do will ...