Valentine’s Day Mammy-style


Ooh Valentine's Day - maybe we'll book a romantic night away in a hotel. Scrap that - no babysitter, no money. But I'll buy him a card and a present. Well, a card anyway. Those are nice cards! I'll get one each for the kids as well. Oh wait, there's €3.99 each. Maybe I'll just make cards for the ...


Sam Foffee

"How was your day?" What do you reply? I guess it depends who asks. If it's Facebook, your day might look great. If it's your other-half, you might be very tired. If it's a friend, it might depend on the context. If she had a bad day, you might commiserate with your own low points. If ...


many hearts created this week

Of all the celebration days during the year, Valentine's Day is arguably one of the most commercialized; one of the more makey-uppy ones. Although not as makey-uppy as yesterday's "Get a Different Name Day" which coincided with "Madly in Love with Me Day" (what, you mean you missed both of those?). At least Valentine's Day ...