The Slow-it-Down Day

smiley happy snails

Walking back to the car after the school run, I called to Sam to hurry up, then caught myself, realising that for once, there was no reason to hurry. It was 9am. We had just dropped Clara and Emmie to school. And both were invited on playdates after school – both being collected by other mums. ...

Bringing your toddler to the cinema in 28 easy steps

Office Mum - toddler

1. Look out the window, see that it's raining, and announce a cinema trip. 2. Consider spending two minutes booking online, but decide to wing it instead. Who'd want to forfeit the adrenaline buzz that goes with rushing in to the cinema at the last minute, risking that it's booked out. 3. Bundle everyone into the car ...

Bubble Bum Booster Seat – Review and Giveaway

Bubble Bum booster seat Office Mum

We are being very brave this summer; we're getting on an actual airplane with all three kids. We've never tried it with three before, and we may never try again either, depending on how it goes. But in a bid to see something further away than a ferry journey allows, we're getting on a plane. Among other ...

Office Mum stories – Bridget Farrell

Bridget Farrell

“I tip-toe out of the house every morning when our daughter is asleep and feel sad that I'm not there when she wakes up” The first interview of the new year is with Bridget Farrell, who is married to Ray, and lives in Tullamore. They both work outside the home and have a two and a ...

The need to be needed

Office Mum: telephone

A good friend told me last week that she's changing jobs - moving from a chilled-out project role back into the mayhem of daily operations. This is the reverse of what she wanted when going back to work after her second baby was born three years ago - in fact for many working mothers, chilled-out project roles ...

The Early Shift

three kids - Office Mum

Monday morning 5.10am Pitter patter. Toddler footsteps. All the way around to my side of the bed. "Is it morning mummy?" "No, it's not morning, I'll bring you back to your bed." 7.33am Same footsteps, more resolute attitude. "Me getting in your bed now mummy, it morning-time." Resistance is futile. 7.42am A skipping sound. That's Emmie. She's five so she skips ...

Aiming Low and Being Present

Office Mum - resolutions

I really like a good list. And ticking things off lists. And sometimes adding things I've already done so that I can tick them off. The satisfying swoosh. Tick, tick, tick. And I like new year's resolutions. But only ones that I a) really genuinely want to achieve and b) have a good chance of achieving. ...