Beautiful girls

Girl at Mirror - Norman Rockwell (image credit

  "Look at you in your gorgeous dress!" I said to my friend's five-year-old daughter, then remembered, too late, that I'm trying to avoid telling little girls that they're beautiful. This was prompted by a Huff Post article I read a few months ago that suggested asking little girls about a book they've recently read instead of ...

Not guilty

Working mother guilt – does it ever ease? If we’re not feeling guilty about being apart from our children, we’re feeling guilty about an un-ironed uniform, unsigned homework or giving toast for dinner. And sometimes we feel guilty about work too. While I would argue vehemently that parents in the workplace are working just as hard ...

Office Mum stories – Jenny Bishop

JennyBishop (1)

“I think that most working mothers do look for a balance with work and raising their children and it baffles me that the corporate world can often look at that as a negative.” This week I meet Jenny Bishop, who is the Marketing Manager of The Marketing Institute and has two small children. Her husband is ...


Sam Foffee

"How was your day?" What do you reply? I guess it depends who asks. If it's Facebook, your day might look great. If it's your other-half, you might be very tired. If it's a friend, it might depend on the context. If she had a bad day, you might commiserate with your own low points. If ...


many hearts created this week

Of all the celebration days during the year, Valentine's Day is arguably one of the most commercialized; one of the more makey-uppy ones. Although not as makey-uppy as yesterday's "Get a Different Name Day" which coincided with "Madly in Love with Me Day" (what, you mean you missed both of those?). At least Valentine's Day ...

Do women really need to act like men?

The Devil Wears Prada (image credit imdb)

There are many generalisations about the differences between men and women, and like most generalisations, they are sometimes valid - clichés don't get to be clichés without a good foundation in truth. This is particularly the case when it comes to the workplace, where the following assumptions are often made and are frequently true: Women are good at ...

Office Mum stories: Sadhbh Devlin


“a massive amount of guilt is assuaged for me because I am so happy that my girls are at home with their Dad” This week’s interview is with mother of two Sadhbh Devlin. Sadhbh has always been told she has a head for hats. This may be true, but in fact she only owns two actual hats, ...