My friend was not impressed. A 5pm conference call that was scheduled to last two hours. So instead of using his office phone, he dialled in on his mobile. At 6, he left work, still on the call. He walked to the train station, took the train home, got tea organised for his kids, and ...
Month: September 2014
Reasons to drink pretend champagne
I wasn't going to write anything about this week, but I'm sitting here drinking champagne (the not-champagne type), and that seems like a reason to write it down (or maybe it's the bubbles talking) As work-life balance goes, this week has been rather one-sided. Work has been busy and difficult. The life side of life, on ...
Full Circle
Babysitting. Something about which I have vivid memories; a teenage part-time-job. And now it's come full circle, as what seems like five minutes later, I'm all grown-up and paying a teenager to mind my kids. Having had three childminders (counting the runaway one) and about forty different creche minders (high turnover), I didn't expect that leaving the kids ...
Curry with a pinch of children
What do you miss about life before kids? That was the question on an online forum recently. I sometimes miss sleeping when I like, and socializing when I like, and spending (ish) what I like. And I also miss curry. I really do. I used to make curry at least twice a week; chicken Korma with lime, ...
Office Mum stories – Tracy Gunn
Fame famished
Office Mum Stories – Aisling Lyons
Sun through clouds
Driving along the coast road, the September sun is filtering through the white sky. Mixed weather is what the forecasters call it. Silence from the back; a Saturday football roundup on the radio. Tired after running all day, three small faces are watching but not watching. The sea stretches out beside us and the red and ...
Office Mum Stories – Dearbhalla Baviera
“Two of the main things that keep people in a situation where they are less than happy are lack of confidence and that fear of change that holds many people back” This week I talk to Dearbhalla Baviera, a mum of four, who has transitioned from a full-time role as a management consultant to setting up ...
Middle Child Syndrome
6.30am. The pitter patter of little feet. I can guess which feet. My early bird four-year-old. She climbs into bed to snuggle, and asks me what we're doing today. "Well, daddy is bringing your little brother swimming because he never gets to go normally, when you girls have classes. And in the afternoon, we've to bring ...