"Why don't you look at everything you got right?" That was the suggestion made by someone who read a post I wrote on everything I got wrong about starting school. Fair question. It made me think - what did I get right? What did I not screw up over the last few days, when my eldest ...
Month: August 2014
5 things I got completely wrong about starting school
When my first child started school two years ago, everyone said it would be a big change. I didn’t exactly disbelieve them, but really, I thought, how big could it possibly be? Unsurprisingly, I got it completely wrong. 1. School is just the next step after crèche, right? What I thought: She’s been in crèche for a couple of ...
To my big-small-girl
Tiny grown-up girl, wrapped up in swathes of burgundy, you smile out, from deep inside. Oblivious to the over-size, just happy to finally be there. It's a hand-me-down from your big sister, but you don't mind. You've waited two long years to follow in her foot-steps; to follow in her uniform. Your smile - your face, your excitement ...
Pesky Ponies and Image Blog Awards Short-list
Friday morning was not going well. Our final day off both work and school so it was supposed to be perfect, but kids don't really get the whole "let's do everything possible to make this a good day" thing. By 8am, the six-year-old was downstairs crying because nobody was helping her to get her breakfast (what ...
Same place, different century
Twenty-six years ago, my parents took the ferry to France and made their way down to St Jean de Monts, with four of us rattling around in the back-seat. The roof-rack that held our suitcases was covered in water-proof tarpaulin, secured with rope. My parents found their way by following a big, unwieldy map; cracked in ...
5 Day-Trips Near Dublin – a Whistle-Stop Tour
We're getting braver. This summer we took five day-trips. Not too adventurous and not too far from home, but a step-up from last year. Baby-steps - or toddler-steps as the case may be. So here's a quick review of five destinations - all within an hour of Dublin: 1. Clara Lara This was possibly our favourite day ...
Office Mum stories – Helen Plass
"Oh my God aren’t we desperate! Women are so hard on themselves and way too hard and judgmental of other women too" This week’s interview is with Helen Plass, owner of mumandbaby.ie a website for mothers-to-be and new mothers. She’s a yoga teacher, runs active birth workshops, hosts webinars, and is a mum of two little ...
The light at the end of the (toddler) tunnel
Down you come, bump, bump, bump, step by step, laughing hysterically each time you crash into me. Then back up the stairs to do it again. I make a slight move towards leaving my half-way-down-step, and am told "No mummy! You stay!" Then down you come again, stair by stair. Crash. Burst of laughter. I ...
Is Ireland child-friendly?
Are we a child-friendly society - do we embrace children and their parents in all areas of 21st century Ireland? Or do we corral them into suitable times and places, conveniently out of the path of mainstream everyday life? Fiona Carey thinks we have a way to go. When the Bray-based mum of one was unable to ...