Office Mum stories – Ciara Garvan

“I think the optimal solution – just like kids – changes all the time.” Ciara Garvan wanted flexible work that could fit around her three children, and having spotted a gap in the market, founded, an agency that matches people to flexible roles. Here, she talks about her SAHM days, her optimistic expectation of a ...

Motherhood and Feminism and Being Let Down

Clothesline - Office Mum

Has motherhood been let down by feminism? I was sent this article today and it brings up some really interesting points. The person who sent me the link told me she misses her career, but knows she’d miss her kids more if she was working full-time, so she’s staying at home for now. She feels ...

Office Mum stories – Eimear Hutchinson

Eimear Hutchinson - Office Mum

“It may however be the case that even the most ambitious of women change their priorities when they have children and therefore they are happy to reside under the glass ceiling as it gives them the freedom to be home at 5.30pm.” This week I speak to Eimear Hutchinson, a mum of two girls, Aoife and ...

The Kids Are Alright


Are our families being damaged by the non-stop commuting lives we lead? Or are children with two employed parents doing OK after all? The media gives us conflicting answers to this - often on a daily basis. Most recently, there's are reports of a study that showing that children in families where two parents work are ...

A dip into real life

Office Mum: coffee

I get to be a stay-at-home mum once a week, so I know exactly what it's like. No, not really. In fact not at all. My one day per week of SAHM-dom is Friday, so it's not quite a representative example of true stay-at-home parenting. On Friday, the traffic is lighter, the moods are lighter, ...

Office Mum stories – Tric Kearney

Office Mum: Tric Kearney

“I have discovered in recent years that the world I thought I'd left when I chose to stay at home, is still out there and it is up to me to go find it once more. A task I am enjoying pursuing” This week I meet Tric Kearney, mom to four children, two at college, one ...

Donna Hartnett’s Letter and the Working Mother SAHM Debate

Office Mum photo of mothers

Amid the strong support for the feelings expressed in Donna Hartnett's open letter to Enda Kenny, there has also been some "tough luck, you can't have it all" type responses (on Twitter, and some referenced here) I don't think that's the point at all - I don't think anyone expects to "have it all" - certainly not ...

Office Mum Stories – Suzy Addis

Office Mum interview with Suzy

“It’s a privilege to have a front row seat for these years of her childhood and I’m very grateful for it” This week I meet Suzy, who is the proud owner of one husband, one daughter, and one very demanding dog. She blogs at The Airing Cupboard, which is a heavily edited and much glamourised version ...

Office Mum Stories – Aisling Lyons

Office Mum interview: Aisling Lyons

“There were mothers I met along the way that quite candidly said on a Monday morning 'Thank God the weekend is over, I can't wait to get back to work' and there were others who lived for the weekends ­ neither is right or wrong” This week I meet Aisling Lyons, a mother of three, living ...

Office Mum stories – Sara Delmer

Office Mum: Sara Delmer

"...while being at home with your kids is isn't easy, you don't get a break, you can barely get a chance to pee in peace! It is very rewarding in other ways but it is in no way glamorous" This week I meet Sara Delmer who is a twenty-eight year old mother of two. She's ...