I. Just. Can’t.

the journey takes longer when he rolls a toy every inch of the way

Three kids. Two locations. Two drop-off times. Three pick-up times. I do the math. Over and over. It's nine separate car journeys a day. Forty-five car journeys a week. I am broken. We're only two weeks into the school-year and my new work from home life, and I am broken. Almost literally. My knees hurt. My ...

Sometimes it pays off


Breakfast time. Blue sky. Visible on both sides - out the back window and out the front window. "Will we go to Killiney Hill this afternoon?" "Yes," says the joint-boss of decision-making. Lunch time. Blue sky now only visible out the back window. The front window shows a decidedly  white outlook. "Are we still going to Killiney Hill?" the ...

Hello again and on to phase 2

home alone selfie

So after four months of night-time working and day-time mammying, last week everything changed. For the first time, all three kids are in school and preschool, and I can work in the mornings. It's surreal to be at home when they're not here, and it's a little bit lonely to think they're not babies anymore, but it's exciting ...

The only thing worse than looking, was looking away


This morning I dropped my three-year-old to preschool, and when I got home, I clicked onto Twitter. The first thing I saw was the picture of Syrian child Aylan Kurdi's body on a beach. Instinctively I clicked back out - it felt completely wrong to look at it at all. But a moment later, the only thing ...

11 Classes I Need for my Kids

Porridge spill - office mum

It's after-school activity sign-up time, and I'm looking for some quite specific courses: 1. How to get through the day without changing your clothes fourteen times A course which isn't necessary for anyone who has a diploma in "putting clothes back in the wardrobe" but is mandatory for everyone else. 2. Ready Brek pouring for beginners Because sweeping and wiping up ...