5 Things I Learned This Weekend

Ginger Mojito Office Mum

1. Women can fix the world I had dinner on Friday night with five amazing, fun, smart, witty women. Over much white wine, we covered pod-casts, sex education, cyber-bullying, running, decluttering, books, blogs, the glass ceiling, tennis, part-time work, and the scary future that is parenting teens. And we had ginger mojitos, looking out at the ...

It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to

Emmie birthday

"What? But you can't have her party on Saturday - that's your birthday!" said my incredulous coffee companion. She was referring to the upcoming party for my middle-child, who turns six on Monday, two days after I turn a far less significant age. And because you can't have birthday parties on Mondays, her party is on ...

Football and shopping

Sam in wellies

Last Saturday morning was always going to be stressful. My husband was leaving at 7.30am for his annual trip to a Liverpool game with "the lads" (at what age are they no longer "the lads"?) - this in itself was not a problem. I feel that six years into being a parent, I can no ...

the birthday party

cup cakes - Office Mum

So. Hosting children's birthday parties. I can't possibly be the only person who finds this extremely stressful? When chatting about this to other parents, I sense that they don't find this quite the ordeal that I do. Or perhaps some are better than I am at hiding the fear? I feel slightly...embarrassed about the amount of anxiety ...