I Can’t Take my Eyes Off You

toddler - office mum

We're in a coffee shop, I'm talking to a friend. Another friend across the table catches my eye and nods towards you. You're perched on my knee, engrossed in something. I look down. You've unscrewed the pepper lid and tipped the contents onto the table.  That's the signal - coffee time is over, we should ...

What makes a great day?

Office Mum photo of kids having coffee

Some days are just grand, and some days are great. Not for lotto-winning type reasons - just easy days, when things fall into place. We had one of those today. It started wonderfully - nobody cried during breakfast, and I didn't shout. Winning by 8am. On the way to school, Clara, who is six, told me ...

The Rules

Office Mum Word Cloud

Drink eight glasses of water a day. Take the stairs. Put the phone away when the kids are around. Be on time for work. Be on time leaving work. Pay attention during homework time. Eat five servings of fruit and veg a day. Don't let the kids watch too much TV. Get seven hours sleep. Don't eat red ...

Football and shopping

Sam in wellies

Last Saturday morning was always going to be stressful. My husband was leaving at 7.30am for his annual trip to a Liverpool game with "the lads" (at what age are they no longer "the lads"?) - this in itself was not a problem. I feel that six years into being a parent, I can no ...