Something Festive This Way Comes

Office Mum: kids

Until recently, apart from lighter traffic on the way to work, the October mid-term break meant nothing to me at all. But since the kids started school, and once I realised that taking the mid-term week off work was the thing to do, this time of year has taken on a whole new meaning. It's ...

How to beat the daylight savings impact – for parents of small kids


Lots of people are worrying about the clocks going back tonight and babies waking early tomorrow morning; here's my take on it: My toddler wakes around 6.30am - he will wake at 6.30am tomorrow morning, though it will be considered to be 5.30am due to Daylight Savings. So I'm not going to change my clock back tonight. When ...

Office Mum Stories – Suzy Addis

Office Mum interview with Suzy

“It’s a privilege to have a front row seat for these years of her childhood and I’m very grateful for it” This week I meet Suzy, who is the proud owner of one husband, one daughter, and one very demanding dog. She blogs at The Airing Cupboard, which is a heavily edited and much glamourised version ...

Apple and Facebook Are Paying for Egg-freezing – But at What Cost?

office mum: image of mother and baby

So Facebook and Apple are paying for female employees to freeze their eggs, to enable them to continue working for longer before having children, according to NBC news this week. It’s billed as the latest in a series of benefits provided by the corporate giants, as part of what’s termed a “perks arms race”. But what message ...

A Ten Years Married Post Where Nothing Changes (in a good way)

Office Mum wedding photo

This time ten years ago, Facebook was just a baby, Twitter didn't exist, and a new show called X-Factor was appearing on our TV screens for the first time. In Ireland, we were sucking up the smoking ban, we were queuing overnight to buy houses from plans, and Niall Horan was just eleven years old. Undoubtedly, a lot has changed ...