The Life-Changing Magic of Freelancing

Georges Quay view - Office Mum

A year ago today, I walked out of my beloved office for the last time, switching from a 17 year career in financial services to the unknown world of freelance writing from home. I say 'beloved' without a hint of sarcasm - I loved my office very much. It was a slightly odd shape, but the ...

The literal bruises of motherhood

broken finger - Office Mum

As I lay on my bed yesterday evening, my four-year-old suddenly bounced onto my rib-cage WWE style, and it struck me that parenting involves a fair amount of physical pain. And endurance. And sometimes bravery, while holding back tears. Today is just a regular day, but putting trousers on the wrestler involved being kicked; manhandling him into ...

How to make the best chocolate cake in the world without selling your kids on eBay

baking - office mum

This really, really is the best chocolate cake in the world. So much so, it's worth going through the drama of baking with kids, just to eat it. Announce that today’s activity is baking, then bask in the shrieks of joy and pronouncements that you’re the best mum ever. Tell them nobody is baking unless they’re fully ...

Hello bright evenings! Oh…

I can

Isn't spring just brilliant. Whether you believe it starts on February 1st, March 1s or mid-March (I need guidance on this - my kids are asking every day on which date does summer start) it's all good. Longer evenings, brighter, (theoretically) warmer weather, and a casting of clouts all about - or at least the duvet coat. My two ...

The Big Message in The Big Short

dollar bill - office mum

I remember standing in Oasis with my sister in August 2008, looking at a shirt-dress that I really liked. I put it back on the rail. "There's a recession coming," I said to my sister. She had heard the same. We didn't take it too seriously though, how bad could it really be? A month ...