Why do women step back from their careers?

Office Mum post: photo of baby

Ambition. Motherhood. Not always easy bedfellows. When women become mothers, they often see that career progression is hampered. Sometimes because they want flexibility and are therefore seen as less suitable for promotion. Sometimes even without seeking flexibility, they are put on the mommy-track, on the assumption that they're less interested in work. But often, the career progression is ...

At the dinner table

This is how it goes in my house: "Kids, dinner's ready, come to the table." Then with a little less patience "Kids! Please come to the table!" Multiply this by pointlessly high number. Give up calling, start threatening and/ or physically lifting them into their seats. Cue dinner responses: Eldest: "What's this? I don't like this dinner. Why do we ...

12 signs my kids have taken over my house

office mum post: laundry

It's messy here. Marker marks on walls, little piles of folded laundry waiting expectantly but in vain for someone to pick them up, a single toddler shoe sitting on the bottom step of the stairs. When exactly did the kids take over the house? The most obvious sign that the kids have taken over the house ...

24 practical tips for working parents: balancing work and home

image: Pixabay

Arriving home from work one evening last week, I realised that there was a big, weetabixy handprint encrusted on the back of my trousers. Just about toddler-hug height. There since before I left the house at 7am; visible all day at work. Morto, as they say. Oh well, no time to sit around hand-wringing; there was ...

Away with the fairies

Picture 1030

You never know what day it is - the first sound I hear every morning is the light patter of your small bare feet, and the first words I hear are "Is it morning? What day is it today mummy?" And if I say that it's Saturday, you sometimes ask "Am I going to pre-school today mummy?" And maybe ...

Beautiful girls

Girl at Mirror - Norman Rockwell (image credit ayay.co.uk)

  "Look at you in your gorgeous dress!" I said to my friend's five-year-old daughter, then remembered, too late, that I'm trying to avoid telling little girls that they're beautiful. This was prompted by a Huff Post article I read a few months ago that suggested asking little girls about a book they've recently read instead of ...

So, is it easier to be at work or at home with the kids?

My coffee at work doesn

"Work is a break for me" and "Heading home now to the real job" are some of the comments I used to hear from work colleagues who were parents - this was before I had children myself, and really, I didn't believe them. Surely they were just trying to make themselves sound busier, in a ...

Five things I thought I knew about parenting

no soother, honest..

"Take the path of least resistance" was the wise advice from Fiona Kennedy in this week's blog interview. This is certainly the path we took in our house this morning, which is how the two-year-old ended up in our bed at 5.15am watching Mickey Mouse on YouTube. If I'd had chocolate to hand, he'd have had ...

Sleep is for the wise

image credit IMAX.com

Bedtime doesn't happen as early as it should in our house. Well, the kids usually come down looking for a glass of water or to say they can't sleep, but actually they're not so bad when the initial "OK time for bed" announcement is made - they're usually fairly acquiescent heading up the stairs. It's the grown-ups ...