What is Imposter Syndrome and how do you shush that voice?

“We want you to be branch manager.” I hung up the phone, those out-of-the-blue words still ringing in my ears. It was 2006, and my department was being outsourced to another financial services company. And now apparently they needed a branch manager. I was thrilled - for a whole millisecond. Then the doubts started creeping ...

Three years into freelancing: The good, the bad, and the perfectly fine

Back in April 2017, when I'd been freelancing for two years, I started this post. I think the fact that it's taken me over a year to actually finish it probably sums up freelancing life better than anything else I could say below. But anyway, just over three years into freelancing, here's what works, what doesn't work, and whether ...


I read an anecdote on Twitter recently about a little boy who asked a face-painter for a butterfly. His mother wouldn't let him have a butterfly - she wanted something more "boyish". The child really wanted the butterfly, but the dad got involved too, and there was no way they were allowing it. It's a sad ...

Motherhood and Feminism and Being Let Down

Clothesline - Office Mum

Has motherhood been let down by feminism? I was sent this article today and it brings up some really interesting points. The person who sent me the link told me she misses her career, but knows she’d miss her kids more if she was working full-time, so she’s staying at home for now. She feels ...

Changing Culture and Sliding Doors

autumn changes - office mum

Watching an episode of Mad Men recently, I found myself feeling every inch of what was taking place on screen. It wasn't about drinking Bourbon in the office and it wasn't about everyday sexism - it was about an office move. (For anyone who is still watching Mad Men, there are no major spoilers here, but ...

I have a question

women in the workplace

If you're reading this, and you have children, do you work fewer hours per day or days per week than your partner? And if so, do you do that because you want to, or because you feel you've been forced to? I'm reading an article in the Independent this morning, which refers to Glassdoor survey results ...