my so-called lie-in

My husband and I don't do weekend lie-ins on alternate days, though I know lots of people who do. For us it just hasn't worked well for lots of reasons, not in the least because I'm a very light sleeper, so it's not a given that my lie-in would include much actual sleeping. Especially when the ...

Weighing in on childcare

Childcare Office Mum

As a mother to three children under six, most of my adult conversations every day are with other parents, most of whom have kids in childcare. Over the last few days, a recurring topic is the news story about RTE's Prime Time sending undercover researchers into two Dublin creches, and gathering video footage of children allegedly being mistreated. See ...


This is not a light, self-deprecating, jokey post - I really lost it with my five year old today, and I'm feeling bad about it. I shouted at her, marched her up the stairs, and told her that she wasn't going to the party that she was invited to this afternoon. Of course within minutes, or ...

A Shout out for the Middle Child

On Saturday morning, as happens in houses all over the country on weekend mornings, my three kids bundled into our bed, at various times ranging from 5am to the somewhat more civilised 8 o'clock. The baby was snuggled into me, and Clara, my five year old was cuddled up with her dad. Emmie, my middle child, ...

double standards and a nice cup of tea

tea - office mum

I should have been in bed, it was heading towards midnight on Sunday, and I was due up at 4am to head to the airport for a work trip. As usual I was feeling 90% apprehensive - worrying about leaving the kids, anxious that the baby would wake during the night and not understand why I'm not there, certain that ...

Reward chart for grown-ups

Office Mum reward chart

It's hard to fit everything into the working day: morning rush, getting kids ready for school, getting self in somewhat presentable state for work, long commute catching up on e-mails and texts, work for eight hours, sort out optician appointments for kids, do online groceries or submit health insurance claims if there's time to take a lunch ...

Switching off


It's Good Friday, and I haven't thought about work once today - I love that. We took the kids to Powerscourt House and Gardens - well OK, the House followed by an "adventure" exploring the trees and grass verges on the way back to the car, via the garden centre. To be fair, we were willing ...


clock - office mum

Last night I wrote my first blog post, about the challenges facing working mums, and the universe subsequently laughed at me, in a "you ain't seen nothing yet" kind of way, then unleashed a properly challenging day on this working mum: My baby was up from 3am onwards, feeding like a newborn, oblivious to my looming day at ...